Frequently Asked Questions
You Have Questions? We Have Answers
The following questions provide details to some of the most asked questions relating to submitting and completing projects with the Watershed Restoration Initiative Program
When can proposals be submitted for funding consideration?
The proposal deadline for FY26 is January 10, 2025. Proposals can be entered at anytime before that date to be considered for funding for July 1, 2025 thru June 30, 2026.
When are completion reports due?
Completion reports are due August 31st or within 3 months of project completion, which ever comes first.
What information do I need to include with my completion report?
- The completion report should be a brief description about the final actions that were completed on this project. The report should include information to answer the questions Who, What, Where, When, Why, How and How Much.
- Where applicable, the map features should be updated to show the final treated acres and actions completed with the funding from that project.
- Total expenses for each funding source should be entered on the Finance page. WRI Admin will enter the expenses in the "Through WRI/DWR" column. The Project Manager or its Collaborators must enter the expenses in the "Through Other" or "In-Kind" columns.
- The final element of the completion report are pictures. Photos taken from before, during and after the work should be attached to the Images/Documents page.
How do I participate in WRI and submit a proposal for funding:
Anyone may submit a proposal for funding as long as the proposed project falls under one of the 3 legs of the WRI.
- Watershed health and biological diversity
- Water quality and yield
- Opportunities for sustainable uses of natural resources.
To get involved we recommend that you participate in the regional team(s) for your area. Visit the Events page to find out when the next meeting located near you will be. You can also contact us for more information.
How do I prepare my shapefiles to be uploaded to the project map page?:
Detailed instructions about using the ArcGIS or ArcPro toolbox created for WRI can be found in this video tutorial.
How do I do an advanced search of the database?
- Login to the database.
- Click on the Projects tab at the top of the page. Then click on Advanced Search
- Set your search parameters by selecting the criteria from the drop-down lists. Keep in mind that the operator within each search parameter is an "OR" but between search parameters the operator is an "AND"
- Once you have your search parameters selected, scroll down to the "Search Projects" button and click on that.
- In order to export or view all of the results at the same time, change the "Results per page" to be more than the total number of results.
How do I download information from the database?
After doing an Advanced Search, make sure that the "Results per page" is set higher than the total number of results. Then scroll to the bottom of the results where you will find 4 buttons that will allow you to save or view the information from your query in various ways.
- Data Export - This button allows you to download all of the tabular data from these projects and exports that data as csv files in a zipped folder.
- Map Data Export - Click this button if you would like to download the spatial data associated with these projects. This will export a file geodatabase that can be opened in ArcMap or ArcPro.
- Map Projects - Clicking on this button will take you to a map of these projects. Depending on the zoom extent of the map you will either see centroid points for each project or actual features for each project. You can also download the file geodatabase for the query from this map page by clicking on the little circle with a down arrow inside in the top left part of the screen.
- Save Search - This provides you with a URL that you can copy and save or send to someone else. This saves the search criteria, not the final results. The results will update as information on the database is updated.
I am having a problem logging into my account. What should I do?
- First, try clearing the cache on your web browser. You can do this by clicking on the 3 dots in the top right corner of your browser window and then clicking on "Delete browsing data" from the dropdown menu. If this does not resolve the issue move onto step 2 to reset your password.
- To recover your password go to Click on the Forgot Password link. This will walk you through your password recovery. You can also call the DTS Help Desk at (801) 538-5779.
- If you have changed agencies and need to update the email address associated with your account please call the DTS help desk at (801) 538-5779. Please do not create a new account.
- If you get locked out of your account you can wait 15 minutes and then try again or call the DTS help desk at (801) 538-5779.
How do I change the Project Manager or add a contributor to a project that is no longer a draft proposal?
The Title page is locked to changes after a Draft has been submitted as a Proposal. If you need to make any changes to the PM or Contributors contact someone from the WRI Administration team and we would be happy to help you.
When are funding award announcements made??
Funding assignments are made from February to May. The funding award announcement will be made sometime during the last two weeks of May.
Why do I get an error saying “There was an error accessing the application. Message: Exception Occurred” when trying to save my Title page?
The "Short Description of Project" and "Short Description of Location" fields are limited to 500 characters. If you receive this error then one or both of the fields are over the limit. Try shortening your descriptions. You will be able to give more details about both of those fields on the Details page.