
WRI’s Water Development Fund – Now Accepting Applications

Tyler Thompson
March 25, 2019

Here in Utah, the country’s second driest state, available water for both livestock and wildlife often represents a critical and limiting factor in securing the maximum and proper use of Utah’s range lands, forests, and woodlands.  This WRI funding opportunity has been developed to help fund range, forest and woodland water developments that can enhance grazing management principles (e.g. livestock distribution, time, timing and intensity of grazing) as well as to help Utah’s Wildlife.  The purpose of this funding is to provide funding for water development projects in Utah on Federal, State and private lands.  Projects must demonstrate a benefit to one or more of the following:   Watershed Health and Biological Diversity,  Water Quality and Yield for all Uses,  Opportunities for Sustainable Uses of Natural Resources. See the Full Announcement and the Project Prioritization Score Sheet for all the details on how to apply and who to contact for support.  Proposal deadline is April 30th, 2019.