Sage Grouse Mitigation

What is the Compensatory Mitigation Program?

In Utah, if sage-grouse habitat on public lands is disturbed, such as by an oil or gas well, there’s usually a federal or state agency involved in permitting that activity in the first place. If it’s in an area that’s been identified as a Utah sage-grouse management area (SGMA), then the company might be asked to mitigate, or might choose to do so voluntarily. 

The state of Utah's Compensatory Mitigation Program was created to help disturbers fulfill their mitigation needs.

You Have Questions?  We Have Answers

The following 10 questions provide details to some of the most asked questions regarding the Compensatory Mitigation Program:

More Information

Check out the USU Extension produced fact sheet about the program

Download the entire published rule (R634-003)

Please contact us if you have additional questions

Sage Grouse in a field