September 29, 2016
Project Managers: Remember to Submit your Completion Reports
For all project managers that have received funding for projects this last fiscal year (FY2016) or had carry over projects funded in previous years please take the time to submit your completion reports for all completed projects. The easiest way to check the status of your required reports is to login to the WRI online project tracking site ( then
August 11, 2015
What is the Watershed Restoration Initiative?
The Watershed Restoration Initiative (WRI) is a partnership based program in Utah to improve high priority watersheds throughout the state. WRI is sponsored by the Utah Partners for Conservation and Development and is in its 12th year. The Watershed Program focuses on improving three ecosystem values: 1) watershed health and biological diversity, 2) water quality and yield, and 3) opportunities
August 11, 2015
Watershed Restoration Initiative Launches New Website.
On Monday, December 7 the Watershed Restoration Initiative launched a new website, geo-database and project proposal site. The new site took 10 months to develop and will be much easier to navigate than the previous one. Users will be able to extract data and generate their own reports on the new system. Anyone can view projects on the site but